Music is behind the working of the whole universe
Music is not only life's greatest object but
it is life itself
Sound is the force of creation
the true whole
Music then becomes the voice of the great
Cosmic Oneness
and therefore the optimal way to reach this
final state of healing
What science cannot declare art can suggest
What art suggests silently poetry speaks aloud
But what poetry fails to explain in words
music can express
Whoever knows the mystery of vibrations indeed
knows all things
In ancient times the greatest of the prophets
were great musicians
The mystery of sound is mysticism
The harmony of life is religion
The knowledge of vibrations is metaphysics
The analysis of atoms is science
and their harmonious grouping is art
The rhythm of form is poetry
and the rhythm of sound is music
this shows that music is the art of Arts
and a science of all Sciences
and it contains a fountain of all knowledge
within itself
Music is the basis of the whole creation
In reality, the whole of creation is music
and what we call music is simply a miniature
of the original music
which is creation itself expressed in tone
and rhythm
Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation
The knower of the mystery of sound knows the
mystery of the whole universe
What makes us feel drawn to music is that
our whole being is music
our mind and body
the nature in which we live
the nature which has made us
all that is beneath and around us
it is all music
We as adults think that we appreciate music
but if we realize the sense that an infant
has brought with it, of appreciating sound
and rhythm
we would never boast of knowing music - the
infant is music itself
Each human personality is like a piece of
having an individual tone and a rhythm of
its own
life is a symphony
and the action of every person in this life
is the playing of their particular part in
the music
There are two aspects of individual harmony
- the harmony between Body and Soul
and the harmony between individuals
All the tragedy in the world in the individual
and in the multitude comes from lack of Harmony
and Harmony is best given by producing harmony
in one's own life
Each individual composes the music of their
own life
If they injure another they bring disharmony
When their sphere is disturbed, they are disturbed
and there is a discord in the melody of their
If one can quicken the feeling of another
to Joy or to gratitude by that much they add
to their own life
and become by that much more alive
Whether conscious of it or not once thought
is affected for the better by the joy or gratitude
of another
and one's power and vitality increase thereby
and the music of one's life grows more in
Music is the language of the Soul
and for two people of different nations or
races to unite
there is no better means than music
There is nothing better than music as a means
for upliftment of the Soul
A person does not hear sound only through
the ears
one hears sound through every pore of the body
it permeates our entire being
My heart is tuned to the quietness that the
stillness of nature inspires
The person who is in tune with the universe
becomes like a radio receiver through which
the voice of the universe is transmitted
When I open my eyes to the outer world I feel
myself as a drop in
the sea
But when I close my eyes and look within I
see the whole universe as a bubble raised
in the ocean of my heart
To attain peace what one has to do is to seek
that rhythm which is in the depth of our being
The whole of life is as music
and in order to study life, we must study
it as music
It is not only study it is also practice which
makes us perfect
If someone tells me that a certain person
is miserable or wretched or distressed my
answer will be that they are out of tune
Music touches our innermost being
and in that way produces new life
a life that gives exaltation to the whole
raising it to that perfection in which lies
the fulfillment of one's life
There is nothing in the world that does not
speak to us
everything and everybody reveals its own nature
character and secrets continuously
the more open our inner senses the more we
understand the voice of everything
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent
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